Monday, April 20, 2015

Creativity Bug

I sometimes wonder if the world of Spongebob Squarepants is actually just a cartoon version of the one we dwell in.  I had forgotten much of the philosophy that Bikini Bottom preaches until my friend Hallie bombarded my life with Spongebob quotes, pictures, and videos. As I began to engulf my life back into watching Spongebob, one thing seemed all the too real.  Pictured above is a seen from the show that is supposed to be Spongebob's brain essentially shutting down.  All the workers inside are destroying everything that does not have to do with being a waiter.  I won't go into the details, but to make a long story short, Spongebob forgets everything except for waiter etiquette and knowledge. 

And that's where I am at.  Except it's not being a waiter I forgot how to do, it's being creative.

I feel as though there are actually workers chilling in my noggin who decided yesterday to just screw me over. "It's been real Kevin, I know there's still a week left, but were done. Good luck!" I'm not sure what method they used, but I can tell you it was severely effective.  I can barely think, let alone concentrate on anything and I feel as though any creative juice that remained in my head was drank by some sadistic brain worker.

It's gonna be a tough week. Somehow I have to pump out about six more of these bad boys and I am not sure how I'm gonna do it.

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